





Recognized student organizations have a right to express themselves and their opinions at 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 without disciplinary recourse unless the expression adversely affects the University’s educational mission or violates the Code of Student Conduct. Only recognized student organizations will be granted permission to place displays or chalk on campus grounds. Certain obligations must be upheld by those who seek to use outdoor space on campus for displays or chalking purposes.

  • 必须向学生参与中心预订. 由于天气原因,只允许在8月14日至12月1日和3月12日至4月30日使用粉笔.
  • Student organizations must register outdoor displays or chalking with the Center for 学生的参与. The Center for 学生的参与 staff must receive a full description or drawing of the display before it is approved.
  • The student organization will work with the Physical Plant staff to determine an appropriate outdoor space for the display. Taylor Commons will not be used for public displays without permission from the director of the Recreation and Athletic Facilities and the Physical Plant.
  • The display or chalking must clearly indicate the sponsoring student organization’s name and must include dates the outdoor display will be viewed.
  • The display may not infringe on the rights of other members of the University community through intentional obstruction, 哪些可能会干扰该显示区域内行人或车辆的安全通行.
  • 展示或涂写不得淫秽, indecent and/or obscene nor disrupt the academic activities or other normal operations of the University.
  • The display must be removed within two days by the sponsoring student organization immediately following the end of the approved date for it to be approved.
  • Chalking is only allowed on sidewalk areas exposed to the weather so that it can be easily washed away by rain. 如果在活动或展示结束时,雨水没有洗掉粉笔, 学生组织必须与校方合作清理展品.
  • 禁止在任何建筑物的墙壁、砖、室外固定装置或外部涂上粉笔和/或标记.
  • 粉笔将由学生参与中心提供. 不能用其他粉笔.


内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 defines “posting” as publicly placing any written materials including posters, 传单, 在任何校园财产上展示的横幅和标志. 为了在内布拉斯加州卫斯理校园张贴任何材料,必须遵循以下准则:

  • All materials must be stamped and approved by an authorized staff member in the Center for 学生的参与 (including materials to be distributed at booths reserved in the Great Hall and to students through their student mail boxes). 未盖章的材料将由保管人员或设施经理移走. 唯一的例外是为内布拉斯加州卫斯理会活动制作的专业海报, 哪些是不需要盖章的.
  • 如果对材料的适当性有疑问或担忧, 学生事务处处长或其代表将作出决定. 任何个人都有权撤销无意中作出的批准, 欺骗性贴邮票的邮件, 或者是构成判断错误的认可.
  • 所有材料必须标明赞助卫斯理团体或组织. 这可能包括一个公认的学生组织或大学部门或组织. 任何其他团体必须获得特别批准才能张贴或分发材料. 该组织负责根据加盖的日期清除张贴的材料.
  • 材料只能张贴在指定的公告栏上. 材料不得张贴在玻璃表面, 打蜡地板表面, 画壁, 砖或瓦表面或木表面,包括扶手. Approved materials may be posted on the wood surface above the student mailboxes outside the Mail Center in Smith Curtis.
  • 所有桌帐, 商业生产的除外, must fit in the table tent holders in the Prairie Point Dining Hall and Archway Café and must be approved by the Center for 学生的参与.
  • 餐桌帐篷按先到先得的原则预订. 餐桌帐篷的预订将通过学生参与中心进行. 桌子帐篷支架将容纳一张5英寸x 7英寸的信息卡片,用于宣传活动. 图形中心可以协助制作这些卡. 桌型帐篷只能张贴一个星期.
  • 材料不得含有任何形式的淫秽内容, 种族主义, 性别歧视的, 或恐同暗示, 而且不能喝酒, 以毒品或吸烟为重点,张贴有关酒精的教育资料, 药物, 或吸烟可获准投寄). Materials (with the exception of those approved for posting on the Sales and Services board) must not contain any advertisements for private companies or individuals (materials relating to approved co-sponsored activities may be allowed with prior approval by the Center for 学生的参与).
  • 任何不遵守这些准则的材料将被删除. 污损或移走未经批准的、未过期的材料的人将受到纪律处分.
  • 一个学生, 集团, or organization may hand-distribute materials on the campus grounds outdoors without prior approval only if the authors and publisher are clearly identified, 而且这种分配不会影响机构的任何运作. 分发的材料不得包含任何淫秽或淫秽的暗示.
  • Advertising from off-campus vendors and individual for-sale or service postings must be approved and stamped and must be posted only on the board designated for this purpose, 是在邮件中心吗. Any off-campus vendor soliciting members of the 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 community is referred to the Vice President for Finance and Administration prior to any selling or solicitation (unless a co-sponsorship agreement has been executed with the Center for 学生的参与).
  • All materials to be distributed through the Mail Center must be no smaller than one-fourth sheet of paper or they will not be inserted in boxes. 学生组织的任何大规模分发必须得到学生参与中心的批准. 在分发给班级的材料的情况下(例如, 调查)班级名称和教授的名字必须在所有材料上可见. 除了, all mail must include a return address and the name of the individual or sponsoring organization distributing the material. 群发邮件将由邮件中心职员分发, 或由学生组织成员在邮件中心工作人员的监督下提交. 申请人须预留两个完整的工作天,以派递校内邮件. Advertising from off-campus vendors must be approved by the 学生生活办公室 prior to distribution through mailboxes.
  • Booths in Great Hall may be reserved through the Center for 学生的参与 by recognized student organizations or University departments or by organizations of particular interest to our community for distribution of information, 核准筹款活动, 选举, 或相关活动. Display tables in the Student Center may be reserved through the Center for 学生的参与 for these same purposes.
  • Banners may be displayed in Great Hall in such a way that they assist in campus promotion in an attractive and effective format. 横幅必须创建,使他们美观和语法正确. The Center for 学生的参与 will approve banners that are deemed to be attractive and correctly presented (no misspellings, 例如). 在任何时候,最多可以在东面显示两条横幅, 南, 以及大礼堂的西栏杆. The north lower stairway railing may be reserved only for professionally-produced banners for major events (for example, 卫斯理的周末). 礼堂外将不会悬挂任何横幅. Exceptions for non-banner materials to be hung in this location (for example flags) must be approved by the director of Center for 学生的参与. 横幅最多可悬挂两周.
  • 任何校外雇主招聘员工必须得到就业中心主任的批准.
  • 材料不能在学生中心或其他校园建筑的桌子上分发. 以这种方式分发的任何材料都将被删除. 只允许使用展示在桌子帐篷支架上的材料.