

Acklie Hall, 326室
(402) 465-2257
lmc [at] ydspd.com (lmc[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


As a chemist, you understand the ways different elements bond together. Without those bonds, life itself literally falls apart.

NWU 化学 looks at your success in similar terms. 这是关于将知识结合在一起, experience and skills you need to succeed in the lab as a chemistry major, 在研究方面也是如此, 医学, 工程或工业.

Our approach joins foundations in chemistry, physics and biology with excellent professors, early exposure to research and experience-based opportunities beyond Nebraska Wesleyan’s campus.


对工程感兴趣? NWU 化学 and NWU Physics offer an exciting “3+2” degree program in chemical engineering. 化学 majors can spend three years at NWU and two with Washington University or UNL, then graduate with chemical engineering bachelor’s degrees from both institutions.

那医学呢?? An impressive 86 percent of NWU students who take the MCAT exam succeed in entering medical school. 另外, our students are admitted at high rates to dentistry, 药店, 医师助理, 护理研究生课程.

或研究? Roughly half of NWU 化学 degree graduates go immediately on to graduate research at programs including Northwestern, 爱荷华州立, the University of Michigan and the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine.

But you don’t need to wait for grad school. NWU chemistry degree majors have access to research opportunities both on and off campus, including undergraduate summer research and internships at institutions both in town and across the country.

These students have gone on to present their research at respected national and regional conferences, and our students have earned an impressive array of top awards in recent years including the Goldwater, NSF和NIH研究生奖学金.


The NWU 化学系 has four full-time professors with expertise including organic, 无机, 分析和生物医学化学. They have earned degrees from Northwestern University, Cornell University and the University of Michigan, and they are willing and eager to share their experience and expertise to help you reach your goals.


Adam Braegelman sitting with his hands folded on a table in front of a bookcase.


亚当·布雷格尔曼(18届), who received his doctorate in bioengineering from the University of Notre Dame, is now a patent agent focusing on prosecution of life science and biotech patents. 他对年轻学生的忠告?

“Take more writing and communication courses than you think you need and participate in extracurricular research,亚当说. "Learning fundamental principles of science is important, but improving your ability to effectively communicate in writing and speech will help maximize your opportunities. 研究 experience will help you hone critical thinking and creativity.”






